Next recipient of Scholarships

Next recipient of Scholarships

We are delighted to announce the next recipient of The Professor CSP Hunter Scholarships : Dr Emily Kempson!

Dr Emily Kempson
Dr Emily Kempson

Dr Kempson is a Lecturer and Graduate Tutor in Theology at St Mellitus College, a COE training college accredited through Durham University. Having studied at Cambridge, Oxford, Yale, and UVA, she sees both her academic research and her formational duties to COE ordinands as integral to her vocation as a theologian.

I live in London and Heythrop’s collection would greatly increase the quality and variety of theological and ecclesial texts that I can readily consult for my research and inform my formational duties towards COE ordinands. 

If you are also an early career scholar in either theology or philosophy, live within 3-hours travelling distance to our Library,at Mount Street (Mayfair) and want to benefit from Heythrop Library membership, please apply: see our page for criteria and the application process. 8 further Professor CSP Hunter Scholarships are available for starting any time in 2023.