First 2024 scholarship recipient!

Dr Zita Toth
Dr Zita Toth

Dr Zita Toth is a lecturer in Philosophy at King's College London. Her main research interest is Medieval Philosophy, especially some metaphysical issues bordering on theology, but she also teaches and researches in Philosophy of Religion. Currently, she is working on some later medieval views of creation and divine concurrence.

Dr Toth explained

I have only been in London for a year and half, but have been planning to make it to the Heythrop Library since its collection would be very useful for my research (e.g., in all of London, it's the only place that seems to have the new Routledge book on divine causation, edited by Ganssle).

If you are also a mid-career scholar (awarded their PhD degree between 2013 and 2018) in either theology or philosophy, live within 3-hours travelling distance to our Library, at Mount Street (Mayfair) and want to benefit from Heythrop Library membership, please apply: see our page for criteria and the application process. Professor CSP Hunter Scholarships are available for starting any time in 2024.